Mar 18, 2022
Arties Cross media design is a young design agency focusing on a cross-cutting approach featuring video, graphic and digital design. We create visual content for high-end brand and campaign designs.
We’re based in the creative heart of the city of Antwerp (Horsey Market). Our goal? To live up to our location by adding creativity to any corporate & marketing communication, making it more effective along the way. Our clients base includes industries in food, leisure, finance, pharma, science & technology. (But just so you know: we’ve never been afraid of a challenge.)
Arties was found in 2006 by Geert De Coninck as a side project in Leuven, mainly creating websites and doing branding projects after his dayjob as a Front-end programmer and UI designer but also working as a Visual Jockey artist during the night time.
in 2012 Arties founded, a website dedicated to VJ artists portfolios and going fulltime on our own projects collaborating with other creatives and working as a freelancer for brands as Roche Diagnostics, Sheraton, Hilton, KBC, …
Since 2012 Arties became a Arties BV and re-located to Antwerp where we know deploy as a full service agency.
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